I love chihuahuas, chickens, and crickets. 🙂 I am a wife, mom, and blogger and love living a simple life on the farm. I’m also a retired cricket farmer and have fun going to flea markets and yard sales with my husband looking for vintage gems to sell in my eBay shop.

I created this blog to share how I slowed down and started living a more simple life on a farm in Southern Indiana. I wanted to get back to the basics like growing my own garden each year and I even learned how to spin the wool from my rabbits to make yarn for a scarf.
After retiring from raising crickets I had to go on a budget, and I was so tired of worrying about money all the time that I created a simple printable to start a nest egg and learned a new habit of saving money instead of spending every dime I had.
Woohoo! No more sleepless nights!
So many homestead sites are focused on building a home out in the boonies, living with no electricity. I wanted my site to be more like a nice chat with my girlfriends. Where we can talk about more things that women are interested in, like our family and kids, and share some recipes with each other.

Things like that.
I love to unplug from technology and get outside to live my simple lifestyle. And it doesn’t matter where you live, you can start your homestead any place you call home just by learning a few basic skills, like growing something in your window.
My hope with this blog is to inspire you to slow down and grow something and start living a more simple life.
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I thought this would be a great time to share this journey with you, so grab your cup of coffee and sit for a spell and look around.
🌺Michelle Farmer

P.S. Please join me each week for a visit over a glass of sweet tea as many of my subscribers do enjoy my weekly stories of shenanigans going on at our farm in my weekly newsletter.