Winter Chore Clothes Must Haves For Homestead Women

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Keeping warm is essential when doing chore work outside. That’s why I made a list of Winter Chore Clothes Must Haves For Homestead Women. Things I think you just can’t go without if you live on a farm.

Winter Chore Clothes Must Haves (1)

These things don’t need to be expensive, you might even find some of them at the thrift stores until you can buy new ones for yourself. But I do find that the better quality the item is, the longer it’s going to last.

You Never Know What’s Going To Happen

Working outside with animals can be tough work and always…always…always! When you think you’ll just be outside for a minute, it turns into an hour, because of some type of crisis you hadn’t planned on, like the dog running off after a deer and not coming back…

In the middle of the night …Out in the woods … hearing cars honking at the dog on the road as she’s barking at something… Did I say in the middle of the night!

300x600 Winter Rain Gear Chore clothes must haves (1)

Yes this happened,  when I put her out right before bed one night. it wasn’t really late because I go to bed with the chickens, but it was totally dark by then. She wouldn’t come for anything, no offering of treats would do it, nor even when we started the 4-wheeler. Which she loves and always comes running back to. Nope!

She found something. Being a young part hound dog, part mutt. She wouldn’t come back.

Slipped on my boots and took off running in the woods, with a tiny flash light around my neck that I use for knitting or things when I watch tv… In my nightgown! It wasn’t the smartest thing to do because we have deer living in the woods and if I had scared up a bunch of them sleeping. I could have been really hurt or even if I fell.

On hindsight, I wouldn’t do it again.

When I got to her Finally! She looked at me saying, “Look Mom what I found!”. Some hunter had killed a deer, pulled it to his car at the road and gutted it there. She was just running off who knows what to guard it.  I probably ran a mile in the woods, at night with almost no light to get her.

For awhile, I took her on a lead for night time bathroom trips. You never know what’s going to happen on the homestead.

Must Haves Winter Chore Clothes

300x600 Winter Chore clothes must haves Rainproof Coat

Winter Chore Clothes Must Haves Coat
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A Winter coat is a must on the homestead. It needs to be warm and sturdy for all the outdoor work you’ll be doing. The coat needs to be sturdy for thorn bush and hay bale wrestling.

300x600 Winter Chore clothes must haves Hat (2)

Must Have Winter Clothes Chore Hat
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A Winter hat is a must to keep from getting an ear infection from being out in the cold too long. I like the traditional knitted hat. I do make my own on occasion. But usually end up just buying one. Because I take so long knitting anything. Or I should just get out my Knitting machine and make my own that way! Maybe?! During the summer months I wear a baseball cap like this one.

300x600 Winter Chore clothes must haves Warm ScarfWarm Winter Chore Clothes Scarf
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Getting a scarf around your neck is essential to keep the cold bitter air from going down your coat. I prefer to wear scarfs that are warm and soft. This  one is affordably priced and is cashmere! Sweet! It’s wool but not scratchy.

300x600 Winter Chore clothes must haves work glovesWinter Chore Gloves Must Haves For The Homestead Woman
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I have a pair of these and Love them! They are amazing for brining in wood and just about any chore I have to do outside. I grab this pair and get to work. I love the pink color so no one else will put them on.

300x600 Winter Chore clothes must haves Flannel ShirtMust Have Flannel Shirt For Winter Chores
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These are my favorite thing to wear on the farm. Flannel shirts keep me warm and I can wear them almost year round. Until Summer of course, but even then in the evenings by the camp fire. Layering it a must when working outside to do chores.

300x600 Winter Chore clothes must haves Slip on Rain BootsSlip on Cute Rain Boots Winter Chore Must Haves
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Cute pull-on rain boots a must around the homestead. It’s usually muddy in the winter or snow covered. It’s great to just slip on your shoes and go. No worries about  getting your socks wet either. I love the cute ones but my rooster isn’t much of a fan of them. And to buy the flowered ones so not one else will slip them on. I think I have a problem with other people wearing my stuff! lol!

Winter Chore Clothes Must Haves Essentials


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