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Can lavender oil help you sleep? Yes, it can! I wish I knew about this sooner. I could have really used this oil back when I was raising crickets for a living. My day started from 3 am. Yep, I got up with the farmers that had milk cows down the road. They would see me drive by on my way to the cricket farm. I needed to go to bed at 9, when I wasn’t tired at all. I ended up using over the counter drugs to get to sleep each night.
Thing is, Mr. Barry always got home late like midnight from delivering the bugs for us and would come in our bedroom and turn on the TV to wind down before he went to sleep, which would usually wake me up, unless I took a couple Tylenol PM’s before I went to bed. I totally overused them, but I needed sleep. Most of the time, I took several cat naps during the day. It was a rough 20 plus years of my life.
If I had known about the magic of lavender oil and learned how to use it, I could have stopped taking the pills each night just to get some sleep. Even though I had a few oils back in the day. It was hard to get any information on how to use the stuff, (before internet)
Lavender essential oil works so amazingly. You’ve just got to try it for yourself! Best thing is that is super safe, you can even use it on babies and cranky toddlers, even cranky elders like myself. 😉
How To Use Lavender Oil To Get The Best Sleep EVER!
It’s cost effective too! One bottle will make a bunch of roller balls. I would say my bottle of lavender has lasted me 6 months or better. And I used mine every night before bedtime.
I like to put my lavender oil in roller balls for ease of using, which I’ll show you later on how to make. You mix the lavender oil with some oil then put that in a roller ball. Super easy! Then I keep them in the bedroom, one for me and one for Mr. B. I also keep one in my purse, for anxiety. Plus I gift them to my friends and family when they ask for them. Be prepared for that, not only will you love it but your friends will be begging you for a roller ball.
Where Do You Put Lavender Oil For Sleep
When I go to bed at night I roll some of the prepared mixture, that I made on the bottom of both feet, just one long strip is all you need and I also like to put some on the inside of my wrests, I even put some under my nose sometimes, I love the smell of it. Mr. B slathers it all over, haha! It get’s a little carried away with it. But he knows it works.
We also have this diffuser in my bedroom. As far as which lavender oil I use, I’m only using doTerra now. I don’t really try to sell to anyone, I have kept my account open and buy every couple months when I need something so I can buy the oils at wholesale price, and I get points each time I buy and then I can turn in those points and get my oils for free. YES! I love that.
I’ve been using essential oils for over 30 years. I can tell you that doTerra has the best smelling oils and the most pure, with a guarantee with them, out there and they are safe to use. I’ve had the best results using those oils. I’ve even fixed my upset stomach, that I had going on for better part of two years. After I started using one of their oils, my stomach was back to normal. Amazing! I’m a self fixer when it comes to illnesses. So I only use the best products for my health.
Each bottle is numbered for authenticity. I would even recommend the use of this oil on children. But not other brands, maybe young living, but I’m not a fan of them and don’t like the smell of their products.
Don’t Buy Essential Oils From Super Market
I found out when I was studying about the different oil companies some very interesting facts. I just couldn’t decide if I wanted to buy from doTerra or from my friend that sells young-living. What I found out is that the big companies get the best of the oils first, then they sell the leftovers the stuff that they deem not pure enough to smaller companies and what they do with the oils is to add artificial additives to the oils to get a better smell. So the cheap oils have toxic additives in them. I don’t want to put that on my body at all.
That’s why I keep my doTerra account open and will never use anything else other than young-living but like I said, just not a fan of their stuff. I could never live without my doTerra OnGuard. That is my go to Oil. Just contact me if you want more info on that oil.
Where To Buy The Best Essential Oils
They do sell doTerra on amazon, but I’ve been told that anyone can mass produce the bottles and amazon has no way to tell if the bottle is authentic. I see in the reviews that there are some complaints that the product is not the same as doTerra.
So I only buy from the source. The choice is yours. You get what you pay for. You can contact me if you want more info, but like I said, I’m not selling doTerra to make money. Just keeping my account open to get discounts and keep myself in stock. If you buy directly through my link I get points to help me get more products. You do have to buy a kit to start and get the wholesale price. I can explain to you how I only buy every few months, not every month. I’ll let you in on my secret to doing that if you’re really interested.Or I can order your’s when I get mine. Just let me know. Otherwise, just try others out for yourself.
Lavender Oils For Sleep and Anxiety
I had a friend of mine test out different lavender oils at her work. I gave her a sample of doTerra and she had bought several others really cheap for various places. She put a drop on a cotton makeup remover pad, then clipped it to her fan where she works. She told me she gets so angry at work and she has such anxiety.
On her own she did this, and the results were amazing with the doTerra lavender oil. She said that she really didn’t know if it was working or not, until her boss came to her and said that she noticed how calm she had been all week. She even asked her what she was doing different, the difference in her attitude had changed so much just by clipping a little drop on a cotton makeup pad on her fan.
The other cheaper brands didn’t have the same effect at all.
After that she was hooked on essential oils and she even would sneak around and put this calming pad on her co workers fans if they were gettin on her nerves. lol! She was making roller balls for her coworkers too, she was hooked.
She even put on in her car for her ride to work and back. She has a hour long drive both ways, in heavy traffic. She was so happy for the first time in years.
I just love that essential oils is a natural remedy. With no harsh toxic chemicals. I’ve made many things with my essential oils but Lavender is one of my favorites and it can be used for so many things around the house. Give it a try! What do you have to lose, Sleep! Not with Lavender essential oil! You’ll be amazed at how quickly it works.
How To Make Lavender Essential Oil Roller Ball For Sleep
High Grade Lavender Essential Oil (doTerra my favorite, email me for more information)
Roller Balls
Fractionated Coconut Oil
Gather all ingredients, you’ll be handing these out once you test out how great this oil works. I bought the big bottle of Fractionated coconut oil. It comes with a pump, which is really great for filling up the roller balls.
This is my recipe:
20 drops for adults, 10 for toddlers High Grade doTerra Lavender Essential oil then just fill up the rest of the bottle with the fractionated Coconut oil. You don’t want to use any essential oil straight on your skin in case it burns. The coconut oil blends with the oil to make it go farther on your skin and to dilute it. That’s it, pop on the roller ball and be sure to label it. I use address labels and then a clear piece of tape over it, so the name won’t come off.
Hope this has helped you learn how to use Lavender Oil to get the Best Sleep EVER! Enjoy!
Michelle 🙂
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